Upcoming Trips
* No Meals Are Covered
- Tuesday, January 16th – Der Dutchman and Thrift Shop. UCATS $5.00 leave at 11:00 a.m. (Limit 8 People).
Questions call Patty Turner (419-961-4468) or Pattie Reisz (614-561-4186)
Looking for volunteers to do trips in 2024, interested – call Pattie or Patty or Windsor office
All scheduled trips are tentative and may change due to weather or availability of transportation. You may sign up for each trip after the first of the month for each. (In other words, you may sign up for the March 20 trip starting March 1, etc.)
- All trips leave from the Union County Senior Activity Center.
- Please park at the far end of the parking lot.
- See Trip Policies for more information regarding eligibility and prices.
- Pricing is for UCSAC members. If you are not a member add an additional $5.00 to the trip rate.
- To book your seat, you may register by using the sign-up sheet in the Community Room or by calling the Activities Office at 937-644-8464. If sign-ups exceed the seats available, we will have a random drawing.