Community Meals
at The Friendship Cafe
at The Friendship Cafe
Employees of Memorial Hospital prepare balanced meals at the Union County Senior Activity Center.
Reservations are required by 9:30 am and lunch is served daily from 11 am – 12:30 pm.
Suggested donations:
60 years & older $3.50
59 and under guest – $5.50
10 and under $3.00
You don’t have to be a member – just a senior in Union County!
Call 937-644-8459 for reservations. Alternative meals are usually available.
Don’t forget to check the calendar for the monthly birthday celebration lunch!
1. During lunch 10-1 p.m., you may not have access to the drink station, only hospital volunteers may get you drinks.
2. Take any trash out to the dumpster
3. Spot sweep any debris/food on the floor
4. Make sure all tables are clear of any articles
5. If you moved a table or adjust it (round to square) please put it back the way you found it.
6. If you used the kitchen area, clean any dishes you use, put things away, and wipe down the counter and sinks if necessary.
Please help to keep your facility clean, there is no full-time housekeeping department here, so we all need to do our part. Thank you!